Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Iron Maiden - Caught Somewhere In Time

If you had the time to lose
An open mind and time to choose
Would you care to take a look
Or can you read me like a book
Jika kau memiliki waktu untuk kehilangan
Sebuah pikiran terbuka dan waktu untuk memilih
Apakah kau peduli untuk melihatnya
Atau kau dapat membacaku seperti buku

Time is always on my side
Time is always on my side
Waktu selalu di sisiku

Can I tempt you come with me
Be Devil may care fulfill your dream
If I said I'd take you there
Would you go would you be scared
Dapatkah aku menggodamu datang denganku
Jadilah Iblis mungkin peduli memenuhi impianmu
Jika aku mengatakan aku akan membawamu ke sana
Apakah kau pergi akankah kau takut

Time is always on my side
Time is always on my side
Waktu selalu di sisiku

Don't be afraid you're safe with me
Safe as any soul can be... honestly
Just let yourself go
Jangan takut kau aman denganku
Aman sebagai jiwa apapun dapat ... jujur
Biarkan dirimu pergi

Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time... oh oh
Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time... oh oh
Tertangkap di suatu tempat dalam waktu

Like a wolf in sheep's clothing
You try to hide your deepest sins
Of all the things that you've done wrong
And I know where you belong
Seperti serigala berbulu domba
kau mencoba untuk menyembunyikan dosa-dosamu yang terdalam
Dari semua hal yang telah kau lakukan salah
Dan aku tahu di mana kau berada

Time is always on my side
Time is always on my side
Waktu selalu di sisiku

Make you an offer you can't refuse
You've only got your soul to lose...
Eternally... let yourself go!
Membuatkanmu tawaran yang kau tidak dapat menolak
kau hanya punya jiwamu hilang ...
keabadian ... biarkan dirimu pergi!

Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time... oh oh
Caught somewhere in time
Caught somewhere in time
Caught now in two minds!
Tertangkap di suatu tempat dalam waktu
Tertangkap kini di dua ppikiran!

Updated at: 9:56 PM