Terjemahan Papa Roach - Hollywood Whore

Hollywood whore,
Passed out on the floor,
I'm sorry but the party's over.
Pelacur Hollywood,
Lewat di lantai,
Maaf, tapi pesta selesai.

Cocaine nose,
And trendy clothes,
Gotta send her to rehab.
She found out she's got no soul,
But it really doesn't bother her.
Hidung kokain,
Dan pakaian trendi,
Harus mengirimnya ke rehab.
Dia tahu dia tidak punya jiwa,
Tapi itu sama sekali tidak mengganggunya.

White trash queen,
American dream-
Oh, what a role model.
Throwing a fit,
Making a scene,
Like no tomorrow.
Ratu sampah putih,
Mimpi orang Amerika-
Oh, apa itu role panutan.
Melontarkan kecocokan,
Membuat adegan,
Tidak seperti hari esok.

Hollywood whore,
Passed out on the floor,
Can't take it no more,
I'm sorry but the party's over.
The talk of the town,
Is she's going down.
I'm sorry but the party's over NOW.
Pelacur Hollywood,
Lewat di lantai,
Tidak bisa tahan lagi,
Maaf, tapi pesta selesai.
Pembicaraan kota,
Apakah dia akan turun.
Maaf, tapi pesta sudah berakhir SEKARANG.

Awake by noon, drunk by 4.
Sucked up in the show biz.
You're so lame,
You're such a bore,
I wanna kick your teeth in.
Bangun siang hari, mabuk 4.
Diisap di acara biz.
Kau sangat lumpuh,
Kau bosan,
Aku ingin menendang gigimu

Plastic smile,
To match your style-
We can tell you got a face lift.
You're so vain, oh so vile,
You're a number one hit.
Senyum palsu,
Untuk mencocokkan gaya-
Kami dapat memberitahumu mendapat wajah terangkat.
Kau sangat sia-sia, oh sangat keji,
Kau hit nomor satu.

Hollywood whore,
Passed out on the floor,
Can't take it no more,
I'm sorry but the party's over.
The talk of the town,
Is she's going down,
I'm sorry but the party's over.
Pelacur Hollywood,
Lewat di lantai,
Tidak bisa tahan lagi,
Maaf, tapi pesta selesai.
Pembicaraan kota,
Apakah dia akan turun,
Maaf, tapi pesta selesai.

The cameras are gone,
And nobody screams.
She couldn't survive her 15 minutes of fame.
Her friends are all gone,
She's going insane.
She'll never survive without the money and fame.
It's all going down the drain.
Kamera hilang,
Dan tidak ada yang berteriak.
Dia tidak bisa bertahan 15 menit ketenarannya.
Teman-temannya hilang,
Dia akan gila.
Dia tidak akan pernah bisa bertahan tanpa uang dan ketenaran.
Semuanya akan sia-sia.

Hollywood whore,
Passed out on the floor,
I'm sorry but the party's over.
The talk of the town,
Is she's going down.
I'm sorry but the party's over
Pelacur Hollywood,
Lewat di lantai,
Maaf, tapi pesta selesai.
Pembicaraan kota,
Apakah dia akan turun.
Maaf, tapi pesta selesai

Hollywood whore,
Passed out on the floor,
I'm sorry but the party's over.
The talk of the town,
Is she's going down,
I'm sorry but the party's over.
Pelacur Hollywood,
Lewat di lantai,
Maaf, tapi pesta selesai.
Pembicaraan kota,
Apakah dia akan turun,
Maaf, tapi pesta selesai.

Wake up!!!!!
The party's over[4x]
Pesta berakhir [4x]


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya, hunny.
Jangan sampai pintu menghantammu dimana tuan yang baik berpisah, sayang.

Updated at: 11:06 PM