Terjemahan Lirik Lagu AC/DC - Thunderstruck

Thunder [x10]

I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track (thunder)
I looked round
And I knew there was no turning back (thunder)
Aku tertangkap
Di tengah jalur kereta api (petir)
Aku melihat sekeliling
Dan aku tahu tidak ada jalan untuk kembali (

My mind raced
And I thought what could I do (thunder)
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you (thunder)
Pikiranku berpacu
Dan kupikir apa yang bisa aku lakukan (guntur)
Dan aku tahu
Tidak ada bantuan, tidak ada bantuan darimu (guntur)

Sound of the drums
Beating in my heart
The thunder of guns
Tore me apart
You've been
Suara drum
Berdetak di hatiku
Gemuruh senjata
Merobekmu terpisah
Kau sudah
Seperti disambar petir

Rode down the highway
Broke the limit, we hit the town
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some fun
Naik di jalan raya
Lewati batas, kita memukul kota
Pergi melalui ke Texas, yeah Texas, dan kita punya beberapa kesenangan

We met some girls
Some dancers who gave a good time
Broke all the rules
Played all the fools
Yeah yeah they, they, they blew our minds
Kita bertemu dengan beberapa gadis
Beberapa penari yang memberikan waktu yang baik
Melanggar semua aturan
Memainkan semua orang bodoh
Yeah yeah mereka, mereka, mereka meniup pikiran kita

And I was shaking at the knees
Could I come again please
Yeah them ladies were too kind
You've been
Dan aku gemetar di lutut
Bisakah aku datang lagi kumohon
Ya mereka wanita yang terlalu baik
Kau sudah
Seperti disambar petir

I was shaking at the knees
Could I come again please
Aku gemetar di lutut
Bisakah aku datang lagi kumohon

Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
It's alright, we're doin' fine
It's alright, we're doin' fine, fine, fine
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, baby, baby
Thunderstruck, you've been Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
You've been Thunderstruck
Disambar petir, petir, petir, petir
Tak apa-apa, kita akan baik-baik saja
Disambar petir, kau sudah disambar petir

Updated at: 10:11 PM