Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Anthrax - Dethroned Emperor (originally by Celtic Frost)

See the portal, gate to madness
Locked forever in a veil of shame
Lihat portal, gerbang dengan kegilaan
Terkunci selamanya dalam tabir malu

Deny extraction - Thirst for disgrace
Watch his break - The emperor's killed
Light of the day - Shadows from beyond
Scaffold of steel - The throne has gone
Tolak ekstraksi - Haus akan aib
Menonton kehancurannya - kaisar tewas
Cahaya hari - Bayangan dari luar
Perancah baja - tahta telah pergi

Dethroned emperor
Kaisar dicopot

The foot of the stairs, dimension in might
The king sits, his eyes are glass
Kaki tangga, dimensi dalam kekuatan
Raja duduk, matanya berkaca

Growing of the small - The laughter's fall
Can you deny - Remaining cries?
Descent of the lords - Into the trap
Existence and hate - Unseen gate
Tumbuh dari kecil - Penurunan tawa ini
Bisakah kau menyangkal - Sisa teriakan?
Keturunan dari penguasa - Ke perangkap
Keberadaan dan benci - gerbang gaib

Dethroned emperor
Kaisar dicopot

Updated at: 8:49 PM