Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Iron Maiden - Massacre (originally by Thin Lizzy)

At a point below zero
There's no place left to go
Six hundred unknown heroes
Were killed like sleeping buffalo
Pada titik di bawah nol
Tidak ada tempat tersisa untuk pergi
Enam ratus pahlawan tak dikenal
Tewas seperti
kerbau tidur

Through the devil's canyon
Across the battlefield
Death has no companion
The spirit is forced to yield
Melalui ngarai iblis
Di medan perang
Kematian tidak memiliki pendamping
Semangat dipaksa untuk menghasilkan

There goes the bandolero
Through the hole in the wall
He's a coward but doesn't care though
In fact, he doesn't care at all
Ada bandolero yang pergi
Melalui lubang di dinding
Dia pengecut tapi tidak peduli meskipun
Bahkan, dia tidak peduli sama sekali

The general that's commanding
He's defending what he fears
While the troops they are depending
On reinforcements from the rear
Umum yang memerintah
Dia membela apa yang dia takuti
Sementara pasukan mereka tergantung
Pada bala bantuan dari belakang

If God is in the heavens
How can this happen here?
In His name, they used the weapons
For the massacre
Jika Tuhan ada di langit
Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi di sini?
Dalam nama-Nya, mereka menggunakan senjata
Untuk pembantaian

There is a point below zero
Where the sun can see the land
Six hundred unknown heroes
Lay dead in the sand
Ada titik di bawah nol
Di mana matahari dapat melihat tanah
Enam ratus pahlawan tak dikenal
Terbaring mati di pasir

Updated at: 10:38 PM